Wednesday, February 18, 2004


Don't most of us have some beliefs/affectations we like to stick to, such as a lucky pen for the exams, a lucky outfit etc etc (utterly stupid, if you reflect upon them)

Presenting one of mine:
When the first traffic signal you come across while driving, is green and/or most of the rest of the signals are green too, look forward to having a pleasant day.
Caution: This does not mean you drive at breakneck speed to get through, by hook or by crook

Yeah, I know, its illogical, I don't know how I came to such a conclusion (must have been a bad day at work, or the devil slogging away in his workshop in the idle mind on the weekends), but now I can't seem to get rid of this concept :-)

Maybe on a very bad day, I can also blame that cat who crossed my path. She was all black with green eyes, to make matters worse.

Current Music: Uyirum Neeye (very soft, and melodious, indian classical)


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