Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Humour in real life

At the guitar tuition, a pandemonium, all of us are at different levels of instruction
A fellow guitarist is playing "Pehla Nasha",
There is a prolonged moment of hushed silence, a pregnant pause,
I am transported to the future, (if all goes well, I start playing songs in a month)
Suddenly, a kid, violating the dignity of the moment and oblivious of the romance in that one minute, goes, "1" "2" "1", "2", in tune with the chords he is playing.
The waters break,
Suppressed giggles and all of us bend over our guitars once again.

He made my day, he did, that chubby faced, wide eyed kid, all of five years or maybe six
Pity, it is life herself, who bestows and snatches it away all too soon, innocence, I meant.

Current Music: Kabhi Neem Neem - Yuva


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