Monday, June 21, 2004

Life is not a bed of roses, and was never meant to be
There will be times when you will walk away from an open door, and I certainly have once or twice
There will be comparisions, and then regrets galore
But then, life is not entirely a walk on a thorn-ridden path too
It's all in the mind, if you do things that make you happy, the disgruntlement can disappear, even if for a few hours, even if for a few days
It's all in the mind, it really is
All you have to do is bow to your other desires too, your other wishes that tend to take a backseat in the rollercoaster ride that life is...

Thrice a week, I strum away on the guitar
Thrice a week, I also study Japanese
Saturdays, I shall be helping out an NGO by teaching English to instructors who hold daily makeshift classes for slum kids

Even if for a few hours, at such times, my rollercoaster will always be on its way up, with the view from the top being something I have always longed to experience.

Current Music: What a wonderful world - Louis Amstrong
This song has such a positive feeling to it, couldn't help but get carried away and write this post


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