Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Krupya, surakshit anthar theva
(Please keep a safe distance)

Oh, I spent the last one playing with the latest entrant in an uncle's family - a two month old labrador

Read "playing" as :
1) Admiring and singing paeans, BUT from afar when it was safely tied to the bedpost
2) Shrieking when it I saw it bounding towards me, which was more often than not. Its a wonder I did not come down with a sore throat.
3) Step 2 was followed by harried climbing on the nearest sofa/chair/table/window sill

But I must admit, for someone who does not fear canines, dogs make as excellent pets, emotions so much like humans, only more loving... unconditional love being a novelty in this century twenty-first.

Current Music: The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana


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