Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The other day I was reading the *paper version* of India Today ( and "feeling-good" all the way ;-) featuring "shining" sons-of-the-soil and the duller son(ia)s-not-of-the-soil (this time with a "brand new" slogan , replacing garib by aam admi). Anyway, whilst reading thus, I came to a particular word which was highlighted, and the first thing that I involuntarily did, was to simulate a double click using my fingers.
Gosh, I never realised how much I had gotten used to reading on the internet.

As for the mags and dailies of late, its brainwash like never before. India Shining, Feel Good etcetra and etc. I just hope that, whoever comes into power, does not suffer from temporary amnesia soon thereafter and forget that polishing or caring for the aam admi is a fulltime job and not to be done once in five years.

Current Music: I would do anything for love - Meatloaf


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